Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Owen being Owen

We recently got Owen a Thomas the Tank Robe...his "Choo-Choos", as he calls it.  This is Owen wearing his choo-choos and being a ham for the camera.

Monday, April 11, 2016

What A Weekend!

What A Weekend!

On Friday, Dad picked me up from school and took me over to the high school across the street from my school.  They were having their annual Relay for Life and we wanted to go out and show some support.  It was a really great event, with lots of people and lots of music.  We watched and cheered as the survivors took their first lap and then we did a couple of laps.  After that, Dad took me over to the high jump pit (the soft landing area for the high jump) and I bounced around and had a great time.  We made it home just in time to go for a walk with Mama and see my friend Manny.

On Saturday morning, Dad left us to go to a Mobile Food Pantry event sponsored by Feeding America with some of his Rotary friends.  I didn’t really understand what was going on, but I kept telling everyone dad went to “help people”, which is basically the right idea.  While Dad was gone, I decided Mom was spending too much time on her phone.  So, I smashed it on the sidewalk.  That’s not really what I was trying to do, but that’s my story now.  Sorry Mom!  We went to the iHospital and they fixed her screen.  Mom won’t let me play with her phone anymore.

In the afternoon, Mom and Dad, along with Gina, Tyler and Brandy, took me to the Sun n Fun Fly In.  It was a really fun time.  It’s a great air show and I had a lot of fun looking at all of the planes and running around.  After the airshow, we went to the Kid Zone and I spent a lot of time in the inflatable bounce houses.  I think Mom and Dad were just trying to tire me out.

On Sunday Afternoon, Mom and Dad took me to Busch Gardens, or as I call it, the “big park”.  I rode on the train (tram) to get into the park.  Sooo much fun!  We saw the flamingoes and then I climbed in the big treehouse with Dad.  Then, I ran around in the splash pad.  We grabbed some food (PIZZA!) and then went over to the concert in the park.  While Mom and Dad watched All American Rejects, I ran around like a crazy man on the hill in the back.  On the way out, Mom and Dad bought me an oatmeal raisin cookie.

All in all, it was quite a fantastic weekend.  My love to all of you.


Thursday, April 7, 2016

Some Pics From This Year

Pictures from School

I'm Two...and I'm back

Family, friends...my adoring fan club.  I've missed you so.  I won't make apologies for my dad, the truth is I never stop running long enough to write a blog post.  "Out-side, Out-side"...that's the only place I want to be.  What have I been up to?  Well, I'm going to do this in a bit of a reverse order.

As you know, I just turned two.  Mom was out of town on my birthday, but we used facetime so that she could sing to me and watch me blow out my candles.  She brought me back a duck from Oregon, so all was forgiven.  Speaking of which, I went to pick her up from the airport yesterday.  Dad picked me up early from school and we went to go flirt with stewardesses and there was Mom!

Anyways, back to my birthday.  Gaga (Grandma Calcagni) was in town to visit and she bought me so many shoes that I may have more than mom now (not really, that's not possible).  My papa (Grandpa Myers) came to visit me and brought me a remote controlled digger...which is basically the coolest thing ever because I'm infatuated with dump trucks and diggers.  Aunt Gigi and Uncle Tyler came to surprise me that night and brought me balloons and toys and sushi.  Seriously, I'm two, I don't do sushi yet!  Then, my buddy Manny and his parents, Jim and Sharon, stopped by from down the block and brought me a toy.  We chased each other around the house and exchanged kisses.  Oh yea, Manny is a Manchester Terrier.

I just transitioned into my new classroom.  It's called Early Preschool 1 (EP1).  I like the activities and the room, but I miss my old teachers, especially Miss Klotz.  She's my buddy and she has a tattoo of an elephant on her arm.  I always check Mom and Dad's arms to see if they have any tattoos on their arms, but they aren't as cool as Miss Klotz.  I'm pretty popular around school.  When I walk into class in the morning, they all yell "Owen"...which is a lot better than when Mom and Dad yell "Owen".  I give kisses to all of the teachers on the way out, especially Miss BeeBop (Miss Bishop) and Miss Beasley.  Once we get outside, I like to climb trees and ride the rooster.  There is also a construction site across the street.  Sometimes mom or dad will take me over there to see the "Big Crane" or the digger.

At school, I love to work on art projects and play outside.  I also like to kiss Emily. She is my favorite.  She just turned two a few weeks ago.  She had a party at this place called "My Gym" and it was lots of fun.  I got to play with my best bud, Max.  He and I get into lots of trouble at school, but we look cute, so we get away with it.  Max and his brother, Oliver, were the ones that taught me how to climb trees.  There is another Owen in my class, too.  Owen E.  I've played with him at the park a few times, too.

I started playing soccer earlier this year.  It was a lot of fun and I scored quite a few goals.  Papa and Gigi came to some of my soccer practices.  There was an obstacle course at the end of each practice and I got really good at the balance beam.  At the last practice of the year, they had bounce houses and I had a really good time.

Mom and Dad took me to Busch Gardens for the first time a few weeks ago.  Tyler and Gigi went with us.  It was a lot of fun.  I got to see lots of animals and then we went to the part of the park that is just for people my size.  Of course, I let Dad come have some fun with me in the giant tree house and the rope/cargo net bridges.  He's really just a big kid.  After that, I played in the splash pad for a long time.  Then, we went to my first concert!!!  OAR was playing at the food and wine fest at the park.  Mom and Dad enjoyed the music, I enjoyed running up and down the grass hill at the back.  I think we're going to another one this weekend.

Bubble Guppies is still my favorite TV show and I love to eat cereal bars and drink milk while watching them before bed.  My favorite foods, besides cereal bars, are beans and rice, corn, pasta, peas and hot dogs.  oh yes, and PANCAKES!!!  My favorite breakfast is pancakes and corn!

I'll be back to write more after the air show this weekend.  I'll catch you up on my visit to see Santa and other fun stuff from earlier this year and the end of last year.

Until then, I love you!

Monday, June 1, 2015

March 2015

 I was trying to escape, so we moved the 11 month photos outside!

We went up to visit my great grandma and great granddaddy.  I loved granddaddy's pancakes as much as mama did.

A good looking family!

I made dad take me to the swings quite frequently!

I started my ISR swim lessons.  Not my favorite, but I'm able to float all on my own now.

On Pi Day (3.1415), we went to Aunt Erika's and Uncle Duc's to celebrate.  I had pizza for the first time and I showed everyone how to play Jenga.

I was a little upset with dad on St. Patrick's Day.  He was hogging all the green beer.

I was exhausted after my easter parade.  It's tough work looking this cute!